Thanksgiving Drabbles - Meet the King-to-be, Saul

Thanksgiving is worth at least 100 words a day:

18. The King

"Have you seen my father's donkeys?" the young man asked. The prophet made him sit and eat, gave him a place to sleep, then told him God's message: "You've been chosen as king."

Strangers were standing by Rachel's tomb.
"Have you seen the donkeys?"
"Yes," said the strangers, "but they went home. Your father's looking for you."

"Have you seen...?" he asked the men with three goats, three loaves and a jug of wine. They gave him bread.

"Have you seen...?" He danced with the seers.

"Have you seen the new king?" the people asked. The prophet showed them Saul.

Thank you God for the people who lead us.


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