
Showing posts from February, 2019

Pixar Pitching Hemlock

Once upon a time  a nice Irish family moved to a nice American town called Hemlock Edge. But the Irish girl's father was a magician.  Every day Dad worked at his tricks, the children went to school, and Mom made herbal teas for the neighbors .  One day  Siobhan awoke from a nightmare to find that her dreams were "almost" real.  Because of that,  she began to see her friends and neighbors differently.  Because of that,  certain friends and neighbors began to see her differently too.  Until finally  she caught the attention of witches and wizards alike, and found herself in the middle of ancient battles and mysterious powers. Siobhan and her friends will have to choose a side, and try to choose right, in HEMLOCK EDGE by Sheila Deeth

Pixar Pitching Mathemafiction

Once upon a time  the small town of Paradise was a peaceful place where everyone knew everyone else.  Every day  parents went to work, children went to school, mothers drank coffee in the park while toddlers played, and ducks swam on the pond .  One day  a girl disappeared.  Because of that,  people stopped talking to each other.  Because of that,  the peaceful town of Paradise began to fall apart.  Until finally  a small boy taught his mother a big lesson about forgiveness, and she passed it on. And so the town Divided was reunited - DIVIDE BY ZERO by Sheila Deeth