Love in a broken world

 So God created humankind,

Male and female, said to them,

“Be fruitful; multiply,”


“Care for the fish and birds,” he said,

But can we swim, and can we fly?

“Care for the animals as well,”

Care for the land, the sea, the sky.

Now we, failing at human-kind,

How did we let things die?


But God will not reject us for

Our failure and our brokenness.

God created humankind

And loves us while we cry.


And so God gave two arms and legs,

One voice to speak, two ears to hear,

For seeing, gave two eyes.

But if I cannot speak or hear

Or if I cannot see, still I

Am part of humankind.


God gave us gifts of milk and wheat

And wine. But some of us can’t eat

Or drink these. Ask him why.


God made us so to multiply

But some can not and some won’t try

They too are humankind.


God made us male and female; some

Don’t fit the mold, aren’t quite the same

But all are humankind.


God made, and loves us just the same

Not mother, female, father, male,

Not sighted, deaf or voiceless, blind

Not eating wheat or oats and rye

Not drinking milk or drinking wine

Not use-the-earth nor save-the-earth

But all of us in all our ways

God made us in his image, says


He loves us while we cry.


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