Mother and child at Exposition

Did your child eyes in innocense
See how your life would end?
Did your child heart begin to sense
The pain your path would send?
Then did your mother dry your tears
And did she calm your fears?
For you were child and infant first
Before you died for me.

When your child fingers worked with wood
Did you percieve the cross?
When your child lips ate mother's food
Did you taste death and loss
Or did you taste the bread of life?
Did mother soothe your strife?
For you were child and infant first
Before you died for me.

With arms held wide a child might fly;
Did you see how you'd die?
With crown of love a child's delight
Did thorns then blur your sight?
With mother's arms to comfort then
Till time and seasons right
My lord was child and infant and
For me he lived and died.


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