
Showing posts from September, 2017

Stained glass windows at Exposition

What light through yonder window shines? What shimmered ray beyond the gloom, With splintered rainbows diamond-mined? Then if the day seems gone too soon What truth beyond the window-pane? Sunshine will follow rain.

Monstrance at Exposition

Sunrays llike a crown of thorns Sharp as nails to hold you down But lift the cloth and all around Shall see your glory now.

Gifts at Exposition

We 'cased him in gold with Silver threads woven Around. We forgot we'd been told He was 'trusting his world to Our care. We laid bare the ground and Destroyed all the gifts he Had made Except for the gold where He hangs so he weeps for Us there.

Mother and child at Exposition

Did your child eyes in innocense See how your life would end? Did your child heart begin to sense The pain your path would send? Then did your mother dry your tears And did she calm your fears? For you were child and infant first Before you died for me. When your child fingers worked with wood Did you percieve the cross? When your child lips ate mother's food Did you taste death and loss Or did you taste the bread of life? Did mother soothe your strife? For you were child and infant first Before you died for me. With arms held wide a child might fly; Did you see how you'd die? With crown of love a child's delight Did thorns then blur your sight? With mother's arms to comfort then Till time and seasons right My lord was child and infant and For me he lived and died.

Colors at Exposition

They painted the walls of the ancient church Not new colors though; these were old. When they faded to gray They declared it the way God intended. No newness. No bold Shades,  no light through those dark colored panes. They told us the lie That God doesn't like bright - He who made all the colors and shades Of the day and the night - God said let there be light!

Gifts at Exposition

The shepherd brought a lamb The king brought gold Mother brought her love Father his skills with wood What should I bring? I offer you my soul A helpless lamb I offer you the worthless gold Of all my dreams and goals I bring my all You give to me Your all My God My king.

Kneeling at Exposition

That you should give yourself to us In form of bread; That you should share your life with us Whose feet are lead; That silver and gold be given to souls Of iron and clay; That we might all be changed to gold Along your way; That this great truth be known and told Today  always; To this let all on bended knee Declare amen.